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Category: Blog

It’s Go Skateboarding Day!

On June 21st, skateboarders around the globe will celebrate the start of summer with a celebration of  skateboarding! We’ve put together a short list of ways you can participate in

Chill is now a public charity!

For the past 24 years Chill has been a private operating foundation but that changed on May 6, 2019. We are proud to announce that Chill is now a public

Overcoming Trauma

All of our snow programs hold pre-program orientation sessions for our volunteers, snowboard instructors, and agency leaders (representatives from partner agencies that participate in the program with their youth). These


One amazing aspect of the Chill program is that Chill staff and volunteers rarely, if ever, know the exact challenges our participants are facing. Chill’s positive youth development approach focuses

How Snowboarding Shaped Me

My name is Mark Sollors and I am a professional snowboarder on Burton Snowboards’ Global Team. I am also a passionate supporter of The Chill Foundation and their mission to

Chill Programs Expanding to New Sites

As I was reading through Chill’s history, it struck me how far the organization has come since our first unofficial snowboarding season in 1994. The Burlington program came first, followed

Our First Program Report is Out!

We are proud to present Chill’s first Program Report; a reflection on the 2017 snow program. In addition to our Annual Report, Chill will now produce a Program Report three

An Unforgettable U.S. Open

The Chill Foundation was fortunate to take part in the Burton U.S. Open earlier this month and we couldn’t be more excited by all of the support we received while

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