Agency Partner
Add excitement to your programming
Chill agencies are the lattice that binds our community together. We are honored to collaborate with so many dedicated youth-serving agencies.
Our agencies are community centers, schools and after-school programs, social service and mental health agencies, foster care, and juvenile justice programs. By working directly with your agency Chill acts as an extension to your program offerings, enhancing what you are already doing. Your commitment to participating with Chill makes getting youth on boards a reality!
Interested in representing your agency at Chill? Agency Leads are the point people and representatives for their respective agencies. They are here to provide direct support and supervision of their youth. They take part in activities and discussions, and participate alongside youth in boardsport lessons and progression. In short, Agency Leads are here to ensure that their youth are having a positive experience and benefiting from the program as much as possible. This requires agency leads to be engaged, present, observant, participatory, and connected to their youth.
If this sounds like a good fit for you, check out our Eligibility & Requirements. Chill runs programs year round and is always looking for new agencies and agency leads to collaborate with. Learn more about our programs HERE, or by visiting our FAQ’s page.

“A huge boost in confidence was unanimous. Our youth leveraged their victories in the skatepark to shift their mindset in school, with friends, and with family.”
Agency Lead
By partnering with community agencies and schools, Chill is able to connect with youth across each city’s diverse neighborhoods, ultimately expanding, enhancing, and strengthening each agency’s distinctive programs. The experiences and skills gained at Chill uniquely position youth to return to their agencies with new skills and strategies to excel in their communities.
Agency FAQ's
For additional information, please visit our Agency Frequently Asked Questions page.
What to Expect
If you would like your agency to participate in Chill programs, you will be required to fill out an official application form, which will be provided to you by the Chill Program and Community Coordinator.
You must be able to provide a 1:8 adult to youth ratio, and all agency leads will be required to complete a registration and attend a pre-program orientation.
At Chill, we know that one of the hardest things about boardsports is finding gear and transportation, that’s why Chill will provide youth and agency leads with all necessary boardsport equipment, professional boardsport instruction, Experiential learning/positive youth development curriculum facilitated by a Chill staff member, and transportation to and from programs (in the case of snow programs only).
For additional info, visit the Agency FAQ’s page HERE.
Agency Application
Thank you for your interest in working with the Chill Foundation!
If you represent an agency, program, or service that serves youth between 11 and 18 years old, and you think your agency would be a good fit for Chill programs, please reach out.
To begin the process of partnering your agency with Chill, visit our Staff page, and reach out directly to the Program & Community Coordinator for the location where you would like to participate in programs. The Chill staff member will provide the required application materials and will assist you with the process.