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Agency FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions for Agencies

Youth participate in Chill through their involvement with an accepted agency partner. Chill partners with youth-serving agencies (social service agencies, mental health agencies, foster care programs, juvenile justice programs, schools, community centers, after-school programs, etc.) to act as an extension to their program offerings. Following the agency application process, when an agency is accepted to participate with Chill, they are allotted a certain number of youth spaces and will then select youth from their agency based on Chill’s Youth Eligibility and Requirements.

By partnering with existing community agencies and schools, Chill acts as a connector for adults and youth across each citys diverse neighborhoods, ultimately enhancing and strengthening each agencys distinctive programs. The experiences and skills gained at Chill uniquely position youth to return to their sending agencies better equipped to excel in their communities.

If you are an agency that has never participated with Chill before, email chill@chill.org to be put in touch with the program staff for your Chill city, or click HERE to visit our Staff page. To see a list of operating cities and countries, visit our Locations pages from the main menu. Prior to each program, Chill staff will email current/interested agencies with an application link.

Youth participate at absolutely no cost. Agencies pay a $55-$75 application fee per program (cost varies depending on the location/sport). This is a one-time fee and not dependent on the number of youth an agency is applying for. 

Please see Eligibility & Requirements to ensure that your agency is a good fit and would be able to follow through on the commitment of partnering with Chill if accepted into the program. 

Yes! Agencies are required to adhere to a 1:8 Agency Lead to youth ratio for all programs. Agency Leads are employees or vetted representatives from the agency that provide direct support and supervision of their agency’s youth at Chill programs. They play an invaluable role in ensuring that youth from their agency have a positive and engaging experience at Chill. Agency Leads take part in program activities and discussions while participating alongside youth in boardsport lessons and progression. Chill provides all the gear and instruction to participate and asks Agency Leads to fully embrace boardsports (no scooters, skis, etc.). An On-Call Agency Lead is a back-up for the Agency Lead and will be utilized to fill in if an Agency Lead cannot attend program or in the event of an emergency to help with transportation and/or youth supervision. 

Your agency will be placed on a waitlist for that program. Waitlisted agencies will be accepted on an as-need basis anytime prior to the 3rd day ofa  6 day Core program or prior to the 2nd day of a 3 day Discover program. If a waitlisted agency is not accepted within this time frame, they will receive a refund of their application fee (minus minimal processing fee). 

If an enrolled youth drops out of the program, we will try to fill open spots using back-up youth.  

Back-up youth are youth who have been selected by an accepted agency, above and beyond their number of allotted spots, to take the place of another one of the agency’s youth who drops out within the first 2 days of program.

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