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To Our Chill Family

These are difficult times for many of us as we continue to find ways to keep ourselves and our communities safe. That can be extremely stressful in these uncertain times however, we want everyone in our extended Chill family to know we’re thinking about you. From our participants and their families, many of whom have pre-existing financial challenges that will be exacerbated by this crisis to our participants in treatment; their individual progression paused, or in the worst cases derailed, as a result of program shutdowns and increased strain on everyone’s emotional well-being, we want you to know that you are not alone and we are all in this together, looking forward to picking up where we left off as soon as we are able.

We are also thinking about our instructors, mentors, and agency leads, many of whom work multiple jobs to support their passion for boardsports, the outdoors, and are now wrestling with the shutdown of service industries, and other employment. Our thoughts are also with our host sites and program partners, many of whom will struggle to make it through the coming months. Finally, to all of our loyal donors who support our work, many facing the unknowns of a stressed economy and an unstable stock market, we share your concern and look forward to better days ahead. We appreciate your continued support.

As part of the Chill family you all understand the power of community, the power of having a crew that is inclusive, passionate, and always there for you. Once we’ve all navigated our way through this, Chill will be here, ready to help our entire family channel their emotions and energy into what we all love most: sharing our passion for boardsports and personal progression with everyone.

Although we’ve suspended our programs until the summer, Chill is still here. Reach out and say hello if you need a friend. We will continue to be here for you the best we can in the weeks and months ahead.

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